
Rapid advances in automation and artificial intelligence have offered innovation, productivity and ease of use at the cost of job dismantlement for many professionals in the short and long run. In today’s day and age, vast displacement is seen in routine and repetitive jobs as process integration, platform development and data analytics see the dawn of reality and implementation. Careers fields such as construction workers and architects, real estate agents, automotive assembly line workers, personal bankers, journalists are facing job transition issues with replacements such as software’s, algorithms, platforms and apps etc. as they gear to occupy consumer demand. AI and robotics are soon to overhaul the economy of major developing and developed nations. Take for example, with the agriculture revolution, specialised technology has aided new sub-industries such as nanotechnology, and synthetic biology where labour deployment is minimum and highly qualified. The fact remains that the model is majorly dependent on big computer centres and automated labs. Seeing these mega trends, what is the one skillset that can equip a professional in a challenging future with the tech growth and jobs? Analysts at Mayfair Equity Advisory unanimously believe it as the ‘Ability to Learn’.

Lifelong learning is critical to success in the future. The underlying driver in this is commitment. The new successful professionals have to pay attention to staying updated with the most current information and ideas. The continuous learning attitude encourages building insights into new arenas that result in efficiency in the given dynamic employment environment. While information and knowledge is increasing everyday around us because of tech and data success, the ability to absorb and process the intelligence is equally important. A professional might initially hone Upkeep learning skills. Here, the idea is not to build on the knowledge but to keep it current to the field. This is essential to ensure performance and being relevant to the job. To take it to the next level, a professional has to indulge in Growth learning. This ensure that the information acquired to expand the mind enables you to know things you didn’t previously know. Often here, in dynamism one might need to Reverse learn some learning that contradicts and reverses something you already to know. This is a highly valuable learning ability for one can leverage and safeguard change. Resilience, flexibility and adaptability in the learning attitude enhances ones learning curve and ensures mind expansion and professional success. The gear has to change from the delivery of knowledge towards the development of knowledge and skills to ensure that professionals are relevant and adaptable to keep pace with the decoupling of employment and technological advancement. Organisations have to ensure elements of self-learning and active-learning are introduced in the work environment and infrastructure a professional operates in to ensure longevity and relevance in business vision. This interdependence will ensure creativity, innovation and deep learning in solutions and products in the market.

Organisations have to ensure elements of self-learning and active-learning are introduced in the work environment and infrastructure a professional operates in to ensure longevity and relevance in business vision. This interdependence will ensure creativity, innovation and deep learning in solutions and products in the market.

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